Should Men Get Neck Lifts?

Neck lift surgery for men is available, yet deciding whether to undergo this facial plastic and reconstructive surgery can be difficult. To evaluate the pros and cons of male neck lift surgery, let’s examine all aspects of treatment.


What Is Neck Lift Surgery?

A neck lift is a surgical procedure in which excess skin and fat can be removed from the neck and jawline. The procedure is used to treat loose neck skin, along with fatty deposits under the chin and in the lower face and muscle banding in the neck.

With neck lift surgery, an individual can improve the contours of the face and neck. Neck lift surgery enhances the appearance of skin around the neck and throat. Plus, a neck lift can be used to remove fat deposits in the chin and lower face and excess skin on the neck.


How Does Neck Lift Surgery Differ for Men and Women?

A neck lift bolsters the facial appearance, regardless of whether it is performed on men or women. However, the goal of a neck lift sometimes differs depending on whether a man or woman undergoes the procedure.

Typically, neck lift surgery for men helps a patient appear more masculine. Men frequently undergo a neck lift to eliminate excess skin from the neck and wrinkles under the chin. Once a neck lift is complete, the surgery tightens the muscles in the neck and delivers a revitalized facial appearance.

For women, a neck lift restores a youthful curve to the neck and jawline. The procedure usually involves the removal of excess or loose skin in the neck. In some instances, a neck lift is performed in combination with a facelift to help a woman achieve a balanced, natural-looking facial appearance.


Is Neck Lift Surgery for Men Safe?

A neck lift is generally considered safe for men, but an individual must qualify for treatment. In order to do so, a man should first meet with Dr. Babak Azizzadeh of the CENTER for Advanced Facial Plastic Surgery. This allows a man to discuss neck lift surgery and find out if the procedure can deliver the desired results.

Dr. Azizzadeh is dual board-certified in head and neck surgery and facial plastic and reconstructive surgery, and he applies his unique expertise to neck lift surgery for men. First, Dr. Azizzadeh evaluates a man and studies his neck and other facial features. Dr. Azizzadeh also examines his patient’s medical history and identifies any potential health risks.

If Dr. Azizzadeh feels male neck lift surgery won’t help his patient accomplish the best-possible results or puts an individual’s safety in danger, he will not perform the procedure. Instead, Dr. Azizzadeh offers safe neck lift surgery alternatives, which could include one or more non-surgical treatments.

Or, if Dr. Azizzadeh believes a patient is a good candidate for male neck lift surgery, he crafts a custom treatment plan. Dr. Azizzadeh is fully transparent about all aspects of male neck lift surgery and develops the treatment plan with his patient top of mind. In doing so, Dr. Azizzadeh can perform a safe male neck lift surgery that delivers long-lasting results.


Is Neck Lift Surgery for Men Effective?

A neck lift provides an effective surgery to address a wide range of issues that can make a man appear older than his actual age. Common issues that can be treated with a neck lift surgery for men include:

  • Fat deposits under the chin and around the jowls
  • Sagging neck skin
  • Loss of muscle elasticity in the neck
  • Loose skin in the neck

Dr. Azizzadeh can recommend a male neck lift surgery or other facial rejuvenation treatment options following a patient consultation. Then, Dr. Azizzadeh can offer insights into treatment and help his patient safely and effectively rejuvenate the facial appearance.


How Is a Neck Lift Procedure Performed on a Man?

A male neck lift surgery often requires a patient to stop taking aspirin or blood-thinning medications in the days leading up to the procedure. Male neck lift patients could also be asked to stop smoking and ensure they have someone to drive them home from surgery.

During a male neck lift, a patient is usually given local or general anesthesia to reduce pain. Next, a skin-SMAS-platysma lift or platysmaplasty is performed.

A skin-SMAS-platysma lift is used to lift and tighten the neck and throat skin. That way, men can undergo a skin-SMAS-platysma lift to make the neck and throat appear more toned.

For men dealing with fatty jowls, droopy neck skin, or a double chin, a platysmaplasty is sometimes recommended in lieu of a skin-SMAS-platysma lift. A platysmaplasty involves neck muscle reconstruction, and it requires repositioning of fat in the neck to improve the appearance of the neckline.

Initially, male neck lift surgery begins with a small incision behind a patient’s ears. In certain instances, an incision is also made under a patient’s chin. The patient’s neck muscles are then tightened, and sagging or excess skin is removed from the neck.


What Happens After Male Neck Lift Surgery?

Swelling and bruising are common side effects for male neck lift surgery patients. In some instances, male neck lift surgery patients are given a special garment that helps reduce swelling. Patients are also encouraged to keep the head elevated and straight and avoid bending the neck immediately after a male neck lift procedure.

The average male neck lift surgery recovery period requires about two to four weeks to complete. During this period, swelling and bruising will gradually disappear. Male neck lift patients will need to protect their skin throughout the recovery period and keep a close eye on their surgical incisions to minimize the risk of infection.

Male neck lift scars are sometimes visible in the first few weeks after surgery, but they tend to become less noticeable over time. Meanwhile, the full results of male neck lift surgery become visible within about one year of treatment, with treatment results that often last 10 to 15 years.


Are There Any Risks Associated with Male Neck Lift Surgery?

There are risks associated with facial plastic and reconstructive surgery, and a male neck lift is no exception. Common risks associated with male neck lift surgery include:

  • Hematoma (bleeding under the skin)
  • Infection
  • Blood clotting
  • Skin loss
  • Nerve injury

Dr. Azizzadeh tailors a male neck lift treatment plan to his patient, which allows him to minimize risk. In the event that Dr. Azizzadeh deems a neck lift surgery for men as unsafe, he recommends male neck lift alternatives.


How Much Does Male Neck Lift Surgery Cost?

Male neck lift surgery costs vary based on anesthesia fees, medical tests, and other treatment expenses. Dr. Azizzadeh discusses the cost of a male neck lift procedure with his patient before treatment. He also responds to any concerns or questions regarding male neck lift surgery, its cost, and other aspects of treatment at this time.


What Is the Ideal Age for Neck Lift Surgery for Men?

Men who undergo neck lift surgery often fall between the ages of 30 and 70 years old, but it is important to note that there is no “ideal” age for this procedure. If a man believes neck lift surgery can be used to bolster the facial appearance, he should meet with Dr. Azizzadeh.

Dr. Azizzadeh offers male neck lift surgery to a patient if he believes the treatment can be performed safely and help this individual improve the facial appearance. As such, a man can meet with Dr. Azizzadeh to receive a full evaluation and find out if he qualifies for neck lift surgery or other facial rejuvenation treatments.


Is a Male Neck Lift Right for You?

Neck lift surgery is often a great choice for individuals who want to eliminate visible signs of aging in the neck and jawline, but the procedure is not intended for all men. Fortunately, Dr. Azizzadeh helps men determine if neck lift surgery is the best option based on their individual needs.

A consultation with Dr. Azizzadeh provides an excellent starting point for men who are considering neck lift surgery or other facial rejuvenation treatment options. Dr. Azizzadeh can offer insights into neck lift surgery, along with other facial rejuvenation procedures. He can then provide a personalized treatment recommendation to help his patient accomplish his facial rejuvenation goals.


Schedule a Male Neck Lift Surgery Treatment Consultation with Dr. Azizzadeh

Dr. Azizzadeh is available to meet with men to discuss neck lift surgery and other facial rejuvenation treatment options. To learn more or to schedule a consultation with Dr. Azizzadeh, please contact us online or call us today at 310-657-2203.

Schedule a Consultation with Dr. Azizzadeh Today

Dr. Azizzadeh offers in-person and virtual consultations to people who are considering a cosmetic procedure. To find out more, please contact us today at 310-657-2203 to schedule a consultation with Dr. Azizzadeh.

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