Nasal reconstruction is an advanced facial procedure that requires extensive aftercare. If a patient fails to take care of the nose properly after nasal reconstruction surgery, infection and other complications may occur.
Dr. Babak Azizzadeh of the CENTER for Advanced Facial Plastic Surgery in Los Angeles is a globally recognized facial plastic and reconstructive surgeon. He offers instructions to help a patient take care of his or her nose after nasal reconstruction surgery. By doing so, Dr. Azizzadeh simultaneously helps patients achieve the best-possible nasal reconstruction surgery outcomes and maintain the integrity of the nasal function.
For the first day after nasal reconstruction surgery, a patient should drink plenty of liquids. This helps a patient keep his or her mouth from feeling dry. Furthermore, a patient should avoid hot liquids and foods; instead, a patient should eat only soft foods and resume his or her normal diet the second day after treatment.
For the first two days following nasal reconstruction surgery, a patient should keep his or her mouth clean. On the night after surgery, a patient can wipe the teeth gently with a clean, damp washcloth. A patient can rinse the mouth with mouthwash after each meal but should avoid gargling.
A patient can use petroleum jelly to keep the nose moist for the first two days after nasal reconstruction surgery. Additionally, he or she should avoid blowing the nose or inserting anything into the nose at this time.
Swelling and bruising are common in the first few days after nasal reconstruction surgery. Bruising disappears on its own within five to 10 days of surgery and swelling subsides within two to four weeks.
Nasal reconstruction surgical stitches may be removed about one week after treatment. Depending on the complexity of nasal reconstruction surgery, a patient can resume normal activities in one to three weeks following treatment. Patients should avoid rigorous exercise, heavy lifting, straining or vigorous housework for three weeks after nasal reconstruction surgery as well. This helps a patient avoid putting pressure on the nose.
In addition to infection, other potential complications are commonly associated with nasal reconstruction surgery. These include:
- Asymmetric facial appearance
- Bleeding
- Changes in sensitivity
The nasal reconstruction surgery recovery timeline varies based on the patient. Dr. Azizzadeh offers post-surgical guidelines, and a patient is responsible for following these guidelines to achieve a natural-looking and functional nose. Nasal reconstruction post-surgical guidelines include:
- Clean the surgical incisions with hydrogen peroxide once a day.
- Use antibiotic salves on incisions and inside the nostrils twice a day.
- Apply a cold compress gently over the eyes and cheeks for the first three days after surgery. Following the initial three days, use a warm compress on areas that have persistent bruising.
- Keep the head elevated for at least one week following surgery; this should be done any time a patient sleeps, rests or relaxes.
To ensure optimal nasal reconstruction results, the procedure must be performed by a facial plastic and reconstructive surgeon who has a complete understanding of the underlying structures of the head. Meanwhile, Dr. Azizzadeh is dual board-certified in facial plastic and reconstructive surgery and otolaryngology (head and neck surgery). His expertise enables him to help nasal reconstruction patients achieve their desired results.
Dr. Azizzadeh takes a holistic approach to nasal reconstruction. His approach emphasizes four key areas:
- Listening to the patient. Azizzadeh takes a graduated approach to nasal reconstruction. First, Dr. Azizzadeh finds out why an individual is considering nasal reconstruction and a patient’s treatment concerns and goals. He then offers details about the least-invasive methods to address a patient’s nasal defect.
- Understanding the anatomy of the face. The face is comprised of 3D anatomy, and each area of the face must be treated as a separate unit. Thus, incision placement is critical during nasal reconstruction surgery, and Dr. Azizzadeh strives to help a nasal reconstruction patient preserve the 3D curvatures, form and anatomy of the face.
- Analyzing tissue replacement. Each layer of the nose has different types of tissue, and nasal reconstruction cannot be successfully completed unless certain tissues are replaced with tissues that have similar properties. As such, Dr. Azizzadeh sometimes grafts tissue from different parts of the body for nasal reconstruction.
- Preserving the nasal function. The nose and sinuses are complex structures, and Dr. Azizzadeh uses the full extent of his expertise to ensure each nasal reconstruction patient can preserve the nasal function.
Nasal Reconstruction FAQ
What should I do after nasal reconstruction surgery?
Following a nasal reconstruction procedure, it is crucial for a patient to clean his or her surgical incisions at least once a day. Also, a nasal reconstruction patient should use antibiotic salves on his or her incisions and inside the nostrils twice daily.
In the first three days after nasal reconstruction, a patient should apply a cold compress over the eyes. After the first three days, a warm compress can be used to alleviate post-nasal reconstruction bruising and swelling.
A nasal reconstruction patient should keep his or her head elevated for at least one week after surgery. He or she should avoid strenuous activity or exercise for about three weeks after nasal reconstruction, too.
Dr. Azizzadeh teaches nasal reconstruction patients about the recovery process. He also monitors nasal reconstruction patients’ progress after treatment, and as a result, helps patients avoid post-surgery complications.
How long does it take to heal after nasal reconstruction surgery?
The initial healing period is about 2 weeks. However, it takes up to two years to heal completely after nasal reconstruction surgery. During the recovery period, Dr. Azizzadeh requests follow-up appointments to ensure a patient’s recovery stays on course. Dr. Azizzadeh is also available to respond to a nasal reconstruction patient’s concerns or questions throughout the recovery process. That way, Dr. Azizzadeh and his patient can work together to maximize nasal reconstruction surgery results.
Can you breathe through your nose after nasal reconstruction surgery?
Patients can typically breathe through the nose after nasal reconstruction surgery. However, sometimes Dr. Azizzadeh will need to pack your nose and in this case you will need to just breath through your mouth.
What is nasal reconstruction surgery used for?
Nasal reconstruction surgery treats nasal deformities related to any of the following issues:
- Accidents
- Skin cancer
- Congenital defects
- Physical altercations
- Past surgeries
- Nasal collapse
- Nose trauma
For those who require nasal reconstruction surgery, Dr. Azizzadeh is available. Dr. Azizzadeh is a Harvard-trained and dual-certified facial plastic and reconstructive surgeon who prioritizes patient care. Dr. Azizzadeh helps each of his nasal reconstruction patients restore the nasal function. He also ensures each nasal reconstruction patient can achieve a balanced, natural-looking nose that complements his or her facial features.
Is nasal reconstruction surgery painful?
In most instances, nasal reconstruction patients experience little to no pain during treatment. Nasal reconstruction is typically performed under general anesthesia, which helps minimize pain.
Ultimately, for patients who want to limit nasal reconstruction surgery pain, choosing a highly trained facial plastic and reconstructive surgeon like Dr. Azizzadeh is key. Dr. Azizzadeh is a facial plastic and reconstructive surgery expert who has performed many nasal reconstruction procedures over the years. He uses advanced surgical techniques and tools to limit the risk of complications during a nasal reconstruction procedure. Dr. Azizzadeh also prepares his patients for nasal reconstruction and does everything possible to limit pain during surgery. Plus, Dr. Azizzadeh works with nasal reconstruction patients to help them quickly and safely recover after surgery.
How should I prepare for nasal reconstruction surgery?
Dr. Azizzadeh offers comprehensive instructions to help a patient prepare for a nasal reconstruction procedure. He wants to make nasal reconstruction surgery as seamless as possible, and to accomplish this goal, provides his patients with full details about all aspects of the procedure.
Dr. Azizzadeh conducts a head and neck exam prior to a nasal reconstruction procedure. He also outlines a nasal reconstruction procedure in detail to his patient and addresses any treatment concerns or questions.
Nasal reconstruction patients must provide Dr. Azizzadeh with a list of current medications before surgery. If a patient is taking any blood thinners, he or she may need to stop using them approximately two weeks before nasal reconstruction surgery.
On the night before surgery, nasal reconstruction patients should not eat or drink anything after midnight. They also should arrive at least two hours before nasal reconstruction surgery and wear comfortable clothing.
How long does nasal reconstruction surgery take?
A typical nasal reconstruction procedure requires about two to three hours to complete. In severe cases, additional time may be required to perform the procedure.
Dr. Azizzadeh tailors a nasal reconstruction surgery to his patient, and in doing so, recognizes that some procedures take longer than others. Regardless of nasal reconstruction patient, Dr. Azizzadeh always dedicates the necessary time and resources to help each patient accomplish his or her desired results.
Can nasal reconstruction surgery affect my sense of smell or taste?
Nasal reconstruction surgery patients sometimes experience swelling that blocks airflow passageways in the nasal cavity. In these instances, patients experience a diminished sense of smell. However, nasal swelling after nasal reconstruction is temporary, and it generally disappears on its own within a few weeks of surgery. At this point, a nasal reconstruction patient’s sense of smell should return to normal.
Nasal swelling after nasal reconstruction surgery may also impact a patient’s sense of taste. As a nasal reconstruction patient’s nose heals in the weeks following surgery, his or her sense of taste will return.
Schedule a Nasal Reconstruction Treatment Consultation with Dr. Azizzadeh
Dr. Azizzadeh also is available to respond to patients’ concerns and questions during the nasal reconstruction recovery process. That way, Dr. Azizzadeh ensures each patient can enjoy a smooth, comfortable recovery. To find out more about nasal reconstruction, please contact us today at 310-657-2203 to schedule a consultation with Dr. Azizzadeh.