Open rhinoplasty and closed rhinoplasty are surgical procedures used to correct nasal asymmetry and enhance the nasal proportions. To better understand the two different approaches of open rhinoplasty and closed rhinoplasty, let’s take a closer look at both nose surgery procedures.
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What Is a Closed Rhinoplasty?
During a closed rhinoplasty procedure, the incisions are hidden inside a patient’s nose. A closed rhinoplasty involves modifications performed inside the nostrils. As such, a closed rhinoplasty is generally recommended for rhinoplasty patients who require nasal bridge modifications.
Which Is Better: Open Rhinoplasty or Closed Rhinoplasty Surgery?
Open rhinoplasty and closed rhinoplasty surgery are different, but one is not superior to the other. Fortunately, Dr. Babak Azizzadeh of the CENTER for Advanced Facial Plastic Surgery in Los Angeles helps each rhinoplasty patient determine whether an open or closed surgical approach can deliver the optimal treatment results.
Dr. Azizzadeh takes a holistic approach to rhinoplasty surgery. He understands no two patients’ noses are identical, and each rhinoplasty procedure varies based on an individual’s desired results. Therefore, Dr. Azizzadeh first performs a comprehensive patient analysis to determine if an individual qualifies for rhinoplasty. If a patient is a good candidate for rhinoplasty, Dr. Azizzadeh then decides if open rhinoplasty or closed rhinoplasty surgery can help a nose job patient achieve a balanced, beautiful and natural-looking facial appearance.
During a rhinoplasty consultation, Dr. Azizzadeh learns about a patient and his or her treatment goals. Additionally, he uses the Aging Arc, a visualization tool that allows a patient to see how his or her nose will look after a rhinoplasty procedure.
If Dr. Azizzadeh determines rhinoplasty surgery helps a patient achieve facial harmony, he crafts a personalized treatment strategy. Dr. Azizzadeh then outlines all aspects of a rhinoplasty treatment plan, and he explains whether open rhinoplasty or closed rhinoplasty surgery will help a patient accomplish the best-possible results.
Ultimately, Dr. Azizzadeh may recommend rhinoplasty surgery to improve the facial aesthetic or enhance the nasal function. He also performs nose surgery for patients who display one or more of the aforementioned characteristics:
- Bulbous or short, upturned nasal tip
- Hanging columella (bridge of tissues that separates the nostrils at the nasal base)
- Nose that is too wide or narrow
- Flaring or wide nostrils
- Dorsal hump (hump on nose)
- Nasal bridge that is too high or low
- Crooked, droopy, long or upturned nose
- Asymmetrical or under-projected nose
- Disproportionate nostrils
- Alar pinching
Dr. Azizzadeh administers several types of rhinoplasty surgeries, too. These procedures include:
- Male Rhinoplasty: Allows men to reshape the nose and treat structural defects of the nose.
- Ethnic Rhinoplasty: Helps a patient correct nasal problems and enhance the facial appearance without sacrificing his or her distinct ethnic facial features.
- Revision Rhinoplasty: Addresses aesthetic and/or functional problems of the nose that affect a patient following an initial nose surgery.
- Teenage Rhinoplasty: Enables girls as early as 15 or 16 years old or boys as early as 16 or 17 years old to achieve a nose that perfectly complements their facial features.
Rhinoplasty FAQ
How long does a closed rhinoplasty take to heal?
The full results of a closed rhinoplasty become visible within approximately one to two years of treatment because it takes this long for all of the swelling to go away completely. However, downtime after a closed or open rhinoplasty generally lasts about two weeks. A nose splint is typically removed within five to six days of a closed rhinoplasty procedure. At this point, post-rhinoplasty bruising and swelling is usually minimal, too.
Dr. Azizzadeh outlines the recovery process for open and closed rhinoplasty surgeries prior to treatment. That way, patients understand exactly what to expect following nose surgery. Plus, Dr. Azizzadeh provides ongoing support in the weeks and months following rhinoplasty surgery to ensure a patient’s nose heals properly.
What is scarless rhinoplasty?
A scarless rhinoplasty involves the use of incisions inside of a patient’s nose. It is just another name for a closed rhinoplasty. It is sometimes used to address a bulbous nasal tip, wide nasal bones, a dorsal hump and other nasal defects. Conversely, scarless nose surgery is typically not recommended for those who require extensive nose revision or reconstruction.
Dr. Azizzadeh performs both open and scarless rhinoplasty procedures. To determine if a patient qualifies for rhinoplasty surgery, Dr. Azizzadeh first conducts an evaluation. If Dr. Azizzadeh believes a patient is a good candidate for a nose job, he then offers a personalized open or scarless rhinoplasty treatment recommendation.
What is the fastest way to recover from a nose job?
Dr. Azizzadeh understands there is no quick-fix solution to speed up nose job recovery. To ensure seamless recovery, Dr. Azizzadeh provides detailed postoperative instructions to his patients. He also requests follow-up appointments to track his patients’ post-rhinoplasty surgery progress.
The initial nose job recovery period usually lasts about one to two weeks, and Dr. Azizzadeh meets with a patient several times during this period. Dr. Azizzadeh next requests follow-up appointments every three months for the first year after rhinoplasty surgery. Then, Dr. Azizzadeh requests annual nose job follow-up appointments.
At what age can you get an open or closed rhinoplasty?
An individual’s nasal anatomy must be fully developed before he or she can qualify for open or closed rhinoplasty surgery. Meanwhile, the ideal age for open or closed rhinoplasty surgery varies based on the patient. In some instances, Dr. Azizzadeh recommends nose surgery for girls as early as 15 or 16 years old. Or, Dr. Azizzadeh sometimes recommends nose surgery for boys as early as 16 or 17 years old.
Does an open or closed rhinoplasty last forever?
Open or closed rhinoplasty results are intended to last forever, but several factors dictate how long a patient can enjoy the results of his or her nose surgery. For example, if a facial plastic and reconstructive surgeon removes too much tissue during a nose surgery, nasal drooping or collapse may eventually occur. Also, the natural aging process often impacts the results of rhinoplasty surgery over time.
What are the different types of nose jobs?
The different types of nose jobs include:
- Teen Rhinoplasty: Reshapes the nose and restores the nasal function; this type of nose job is designed exclusively for teens.
- Ethnic Rhinoplasty: Enhances a patient’s facial appearance without forcing this individual to sacrifice his or her ethnic facial characteristics.
- African American Rhinoplasty: Addresses the unique facial features of African Americans.
- Asian Rhinoplasty: Accounts for the distinct facial features of non-Caucasian patients.
- Revision Rhinoplasty: Corrects nasal defects or poor results following a prior nose job.
Dr. Azizzadeh teaches patients about different types of nose jobs. He is happy to respond to patients’ concerns or questions about various nose surgeries as well.
What is open septorhinoplasty?
Open septorhinoplasty is a nose surgery used to treat a deviated septum. It also helps improve airflow in the nose and enhance the facial appearance.
Dr. Azizzadeh generally recommends open septorhinoplasty if a patient’s nose is blocked due to crooked or damaged nasal bones. During an open septorhinoplasty, Dr. Azizzadeh operates on the nasal bone and cartilage. He makes an incision into the nasal mucosa (lining inside the nose) and removes it from the nasal bone and cartilage. Dr. Azizzadeh next removes portions of the nasal bone and cartilage that are bent. He then puts the remaining nasal bone and cartilage into a straight position.
Can you shower after a closed rhinoplasty?
Dr. Azizzadeh recommends taking sponge baths instead of showers for the first few days after a closed rhinoplasty procedure. It takes about 48 hours for surgical incisions to close following rhinoplasty surgery. If a patient showers too soon after rhinoplasty surgery, this individual risks re-opening his or her surgical incisions. In this scenario, a patient could suffer an infection.
Closed rhinoplasty surgery patients should avoid cleaning around the incision area for the first few days after treatment. Dr. Azizzadeh typically advises a patient when he or she can begin to take showers. At this time, Dr. Azizzadeh will also provide guidelines to help a nose surgery patient minimize his or her risk of infection.
Schedule a Rhinoplasty Treatment Consultation with Dr. Azizzadeh Today
Dr. Azizzadeh is happy to meet with a patient and help him or her decide if open rhinoplasty or closed rhinoplasty surgery is the right choice. To find out more, please contact us today at 310-657-2203 to schedule a rhinoplasty surgery consultation with Dr. Azizzadeh.